Hormone Health

The Perimenopause to Menopause Transition

The Healthy Edge specialises in natural therapies for perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause, guiding you through these complex but empowering life phases.

Reclaim Your Vitality

Book your naturopathic consultation today.

The Perimenopause to Menopause Transition

The Healthy Edge specialises in natural therapies for perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause, guiding you through these complex but empowering life phases.

Thyroid Health

Ever heard your doctor say your blood work is fine, yet you’re still fatigued? You’re not alone; many health professionals still have gaps in understanding thyroid issues.

Reclaim Your Vitality

Book your naturopathic consultation today.

Unraveling the Mystery: Perimenopause and Menopause Symptoms

Join us for a live online event via Zoom on April 7th at 7 PM AEDST.

Discover the truth about perimenopause and menopause symptoms and learn how to navigate this phase with confidence.
Register now to secure your spot and receive the Zoom link!

The Perimenopause to Menopause Transition

The Healthy Edge specialises in natural therapies for perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause, guiding you through these complex but empowering life phases.

The Perimenopause Chapter

Perimenopause generally starts in your 40s, lasting an average of 4-6 years. Hormonal fluctuations, particularly in estrogen and progesterone, drive a range of emotional and physical symptoms affecting mood, menstrual cycles, and metabolism.

Emotional and Cognitive Changes

Expect mood swings, heightened anxiety, and brain fog due to neurotransmitter activity changes influenced by hormone levels.

Physical Symptoms

Progesterone changes can lead to insomnia and fatigue, while reduced estrogen contributes to weight gain and skin issues like vaginal dryness.

Substance Sensitivity

Increased sensitivity to alcohol and caffeine is common as hormonal shifts impact liver metabolism.

Body Temperature

Hot flashes and night sweats result from hormonal imbalances affecting thermal regulation.

Menstrual Changes

Erratic menstrual cycles occur as LH and FSH hormones try to stimulate declining ovarian function.

Into Menopause and Beyond

Entering menopause, your ovaries “retire,” introducing a new set of challenges like hot flashes and cognitive changes.

Tailored Therapies

We focus on hormonal balance to alleviate menopause symptoms and improve your quality of life using natural medicine.

Natural Approaches

Herbal Support:

We may choose herbs like black cohosh and red clover to naturally support symptoms.

Nutritional Supplements:

Magnesium and Omega-3s can alleviate fatigue and mood swings.

Lifestyle Coaching:

Mindfulness, personalised diet, and exercise plans support stress management and bone health.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy:

For extra support, we collaborate with specialised women’s health doctors knowledgeable in MHT complexities.

Take the Next Step

If you’re keen to navigate this significant life phase with poise and balance, we’re here to assist. Book your consultation now to embark on a more comfortable and empowered journey through perimenopause, menopause, and beyond.

Thyroid Health

Ever heard your doctor say your blood work is fine, yet you’re still fatigued? You’re not alone; many health professionals still have gaps in understanding thyroid issues.

Thyroid Health, menopause

The Warning Signs:

Is your hair becoming dry and thin? Do you feel mentally foggy or perpetually exhausted, regardless of rest? Struggling with a lack of motivation for activities you once enjoyed? These symptoms could indicate a thyroid imbalance.

Many, especially women, face similar symptoms and are often dismissed by healthcare professionals lacking expertise in accurately testing for thyroid conditions, including sub-clinical issues. Have you had your thyroid tested? A sub-clinical hypothyroid condition could be the missing link that explains your symptoms, especially if your lifestyle has pushed your body to its limits.

Isn’t it time for a thorough health review to see if a malfunctioning thyroid is impacting your life? With expertise in diet, nutrition, lifestyle, and herbal therapies, I can help you rebalance and rejuvenate your thyroid function.

Don't settle for less

Book your naturopathic consultation today.

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